Contact Us

Whether you’re a potential partner, investor, supplier or future employee, we want to hear from you!

We are always looking for innovative solutions and we believe the only way to do that is to partner with like-minded organisations and people. Find out more on how to get in touch by clicking the buttons:

As one of Africa’s leading energy infrastructure developers and asset management companies, we believe we can only progress in driving positive, social, economic and environmental impact across Africa in partnership.

As a new strategic partner, do not hesitate to reach out to us for an introduction.

In order to achieve our mission and vision, we continue to look to partner with fellow impact investors, equity investors and debt financiers.

If you’re interested in partnering with us, please email:

Genesis Energy Group formerly handpicked its suppliers. However, as we grow as an organisation and as the African energy sector becomes more dynamic, we would like to invite leading suppliers of power and energy equipment to register with us.

As part of our modernised procurement system, registered suppliers will be listed under our Central Supplier Database to supply equipment to Genesis Energy Group.

Should you be interested in being a Genesis Energy supplier please fill out the vendor registration form below.  Filling out of the Vendor Application Form represents an expression of interest from the supplier to conduct business with Genesis Energy Group. Interested suppliers will be required to go through a pre-selection and vetting process after submission..

Should you have any questions, you can reach out to

Genesis Energy Vendor Application Form

We would be happy to help and respond to any questions or inquiries you may have.