Strategic Partnerships

At GENESIS,  we believe that collaboration is the key to driving innovation and shaping the future of Sustainable Energy Solutions in the ever-evolving African landscape.

Underpinning our repeated success is our unique business model, which embraces the importance of creating a powerful network of expertise, resources, and shared vision. 

Over the years, GENESIS ENERGY GROUP has forged multiple and solid partnerships to develop and deploy various power and gas projects across several countries on the African continent: Guinea Bissau, Nigeria, Republic of Benin, Sao Tomé and Principe, Mali, Democratic Republic of Congo,  Rwanda, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

GENESIS ENERGY GROUP Alliances and Partner Ecosystem

Financial Partners

Technical Partners

Legal Partners

We always welcome the opportunity of new ventures and strategic partnerships to accomplish our mission and vision of Lighting up Africa one Community at a time.

If you are interested in partnering with us on sustainable energy initiatives throughout the African continent, please reach out to us on

Find out more on our Contact Us page.